How to Stop a Dog from Barking: 6 Steps to a Calm Pet

Dogs can be man’s best friend, offering attention, companionship and lots of love. But even the most beloved ones can sometimes become quite unpleasant with their unique habits or excessive noise. And so, the question many owners have is: how to stop a dog from barking ?

In addition to being annoying, a noisy pet can cause problems with neighbors, drive away visitors and cause great inconvenience. Therefore, we have separated seven tips for those who want to improve their relationship with their animal and have an even more special and reciprocal friendship.

Dogs will bark

First of all, it is important to make one thing clear: dogs bark . It is their natural way of expressing themselves and communicating, showing joy for someone who has just arrived or strangeness with a stranger.

Therefore, for those who love dogs, living with barking is something normal, and even pleasurable. Despite this, it is important to identify when barking is natural and when it is excessive and is becoming a problem for you and even for your friend.

But why does the dog bark?

We already know that barking is a dog’s way of expressing itself, but what is it trying to tell us? In fact, barking can have many meanings, and some owners even know how to identify their pet’s signals through it.

Sometimes, when your dog is excited or happy, barking is normal and welcome. However, there are times when the sound can be annoying. Here are some reasons that help explain why dogs bark :

  • protection: dogs are very territorial. When they notice someone strange in their “domain”, they may bark to keep the intruder away;
  • Fear: Sometimes, the dog may bark out of fear or anxiety. When feeling threatened, he starts barking to attract attention and get help;
  • alarm: some dogs feel like their owner’s faithful squire. When they notice something they don’t like, the dog may bark to warn them;
  • Loneliness: Don’t forget that dogs are very sociable animals. They enjoy companionship and friendship. Being alone is torture for a dog and he may bark to find company.
  • Boredom: Dogs are very active and need to burn off their energy! If left alone at home with no way to play, your dog will bark out of pure boredom.

The first step to avoiding a noisy dog ​​is to try to avoid situations that trigger barking. In addition, we have put together seven tips that will help you reduce your dog’s barking.

1. Act directly on the cause of the barking

As previously mentioned, barking is one of the main ways dogs communicate. Therefore, it is only natural for them to bark to let you know that they are hungry, thirsty, scared, lonely, bored or in pain.

Before taking any measures to reduce barking, it is essential to identify the cause and act on it. For example, if your dog barks to let you know that he is hungry, try to create a routine. If your dog barks because he is bored, buy interactive toys to stimulate him.

2. Don’t shout!

No matter how intelligent your four-legged child is, he or she will not understand what is being said. Therefore, by shouting, you will make your pet even more excited and, worse, you will show that making noise is allowed in your home.

Dogs learn a lot by observation: if they notice that their owner is calm and relaxed, they will relax and stop barking. So, instead of raising your voice, do the opposite and speak firmly but in a controlled manner. This will help your pet understand that the situation is not alarming.

3. Reward effort

Dogs love treats, and this can be used for training ! If you have a friend who is barking too much, wait for him to stop barking. When he does, reward him with a treat or a belly rub.

Little by little, he will learn that barking is not the best way to get what he wants and he must stop barking excessively.

4. Set limits

One question many owners have is how to stop their dog from barking for no reason . As mentioned, dogs will bark naturally, the important thing is that it is not excessive.

To avoid stressing your friend out, set a limit for how many times he barks each time he makes a noise. For example, let him bark 5 times without bothering you. After this number, start asking him to stop, calmly and firmly. And reward him when he does so.

5. Provide a quiet space

If you have a nervous four-legged friend who barks in various situations, consider giving him a quieter space. This area, designed exclusively for the dog, can be useful on several occasions, such as when guests arrive or when the owners leave the house.

It could be a small room with a bed, their favorite toys, water and food, and little noise. Make a comfortable space for your friend to calm down in stressful situations.

To do this, you can even count on the help of synthetic pheromones, which you can find in stores like Petz.

6. Have an anti-stress necklace

In some situations, especially during fireworks and storms, it is very difficult to keep your pet calm. However, today, it is possible to find so-called anti-stress collars. These are devices that hug the pet in specific places, giving them security and tranquility, helping to control barking.

And remember: barking is natural for dogs and is a sign that your friend wants to talk and express himself. And of course, no one wants their pet to be quiet and apathetic, right?

Healthy barking is always welcome! At S2Pets , you can find products that help you train your four-legged friend. Come visit us and check out our stores!

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