Cat for an apartment: check out the best breeds

Understanding a cat’s habits is essential for any owner who wants to live with a feline. This need increases when space is limited. Some of the most common questions are: what is a cat’s routine? How to care for a cat in an apartment? What is the best cat for an apartment ?

That’s why we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions about raising felines in small homes and we’ve also discussed the best cat breeds for apartments. Check them out!

Purebred cats or mongrel cats

It is important to emphasize that every kitten deserves to be loved and cared for with all respect, regardless of origin or breed. 

The main point in talking about breeds for this type of situation is that, through them, it is easier to predict some feline behaviors, since the personalities of cats in this group are more defined and documented.

Of course, many mongrel cats can have the characteristics we have mentioned here and be raised in apartments, just like other cat breeds. The important thing is to pay attention to your cat’s needs and understand how to provide the best environment for him.

Best cat breeds for apartments

There are many breeds of cats . Each of them has specific characteristics. In addition, each cat may have a different history and its own needs. 

However, by analyzing the behavior of these breeds, it is possible to understand which are the best cats for apartments . Check out some examples.


With a sweet and friendly personality, the Ragdoll is an ideal breed to have a cat in an apartment , as it has a high capacity to adapt to this type of environment. 

They tend to be very friendly and enjoy playing with their adult owners or children. However, they prefer calmer games and are not as hyperactive as other breeds of cats.

Maine Coon

Also very affectionate and calm, this is one of the most popular breeds when it comes to cats for apartments . Despite being large, the Maine Coon cat adapts to smaller spaces.

This is a very intelligent feline, devoted to its owners and in need of attention. Its behavior is similar to that of kittens throughout its life. Because of this, it is very apt to training and training, which is essential to offer a better quality of life to the cat in a restricted environment.


The Persian cat is extremely popular and famous for being tame. Much more introverted, it is ideal for owners who do not adapt to more hyperactive cats.

Very affectionate, it is a companion for many moments of affection and tranquility, which is a great attraction in a cat for an apartment.


The Siamese cat has a more extroverted personality. Very intelligent, full of energy and likes to play all day long.

It can also be raised in an apartment, as long as you have an apartment adapted for cats , with toys and objects that can distract the cat during its routine, helping it to burn energy.

Be warned that he may also find a change of environment strange, so it may take a while for him to get used to the apartment.

In addition to these breeds, some others are famous for being good for apartments, such as Burmese, Scottish Fold, Munchkin and Himalayan.

Other tips for having a cat in an apartment

Now that we have mentioned some breeds that adapt well to life in apartments or smaller houses, we can give you some other tips for creating the best environments for cats in apartments .

Once again, we recommend that you understand your pet’s needs and offer them the best possible quality of life.

  • Window screens: It is essential that you install window screens to prevent the risk of escapes or escapes. Cats are very curious and fearless animals, so it is essential to take this precaution to ensure their safety;
  • Spaying: Spaying your feline also helps to reduce stress. Heat usually increases the urge to run away, as well as the amount of meowing in females. Males also pee to mark their territory, which can be avoided with spaying surgery;
  • Proper cleaning: cats are very hygienic animals, so it is important that this environment is clean for them to use;
  • Proper feeding: choose a quality food that provides all the nutrients necessary for your pet’s health. This tip is very important not only for cats, but for animals in general. Food should be left freely available throughout the day, except in cases of clinical restriction. Cats have a nibbling behavior and can eat up to 20 meals a day, in small portions. The food bowl should be in a quiet and easily accessible place. 

These tips can be followed when raising a cat in an apartment or any other environment, as they help your cat have a less stressful and more comfortable routine. If you have any questions, seek out a trusted veterinarian!

After our incredible tips, you now know the best cats for apartments. Enjoy your visit and find out a little more about caring for cats on the S2Pets blog . Come check it out!

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