You certainly want to have the best experiences throughout your life. This is no different with cats, but there is a great concern among owners regarding bathing and how to make this moment enjoyable.
In this sense, common questions arise: is it really necessary to bathe a cat? When is it recommended? What precautions are needed to carry out this process properly?
Continue reading this post and see this information and other relevant points on the topic.
Do cats need to be bathed?
It depends! Cats have the ability to keep themselves clean because they spend a large part of the day performing this “natural bath” with their own tongue. These felines have a very rough tongue, which means that when they lick themselves, they remove most of the impurities and dead hair that are found on their body.
A big reason for this frequent self-grooming is to restore their natural scent. Cats have a highly developed and sensitive sense of smell that can easily detect any abnormal smells around them.
Cats start cleaning themselves and improving their hygiene skills when they are kittens, at approximately four weeks of age. Therefore, bathing cats is not mandatory, which becomes a choice for their owners.
However, it is important to understand that it is not advisable to perform this procedure too frequently and inappropriately, as this can harm the feline’s health.
When is it recommended to bathe cats?
The truth is that this decision will depend a lot on the owner’s routine, the household habits and the animal’s characteristics. Very hairy, elderly or overweight cats, for example, often have difficulty cleaning themselves, so they should be bathed every 1 to 3 months.
In cases of owners with allergy problems, baths are also recommended. This is because owners can have attacks triggered by excess dead hair in the environment.
Finally, another exception that justifies the need for the cat to take a bath is veterinary recommendation, if the pet has dermatological problems or some other factor that justifies this process.
What are the risks of an inadequate bath?
Bathing your cat without respecting its health can be very expensive, causing illnesses and colds , which can progress and lead to more serious cases that, unfortunately, result in death.
In addition, there are several studies that link bathing cats with acute stress crises, which can promote an increase in blood levels of glucose and stress-related hormones, such as cortisol and norepinephrine.
Therefore, before thinking about bathing your furry friend, make sure you have all the necessary conditions to do so, or it is more viable to take him to a specialized veterinary clinic so that the bathing experience is the most appropriate and comfortable for the pet.
What are the main precautions to take when bathing a cat?
If your veterinarian recommends that you bathe your cat, pay attention to the six precautions listed below and never force a bath, as this can stress your pet even more.
1. Have an ideal bathing spot
Bath time can be very stressful for cats due to a number of factors, one of which is the location of the bath.
The ideal place to clean your furry friend is a basin or sink that is a comfortable size for him. This place should be quiet and without too much light, noise or noise that will make the cat nervous.
2. Always use warm water
The water temperature should be comfortable for your feline, which means it should not be too hot or too cold, as these extreme temperatures can cause anything from flu to serious skin problems .
Also avoid spraying your cat with strong jets of water. A good alternative is to wet your cat using a bucket or small bowl of water.
3. Use the right materials
There are soaps and shampoos specifically designed for cats. Knowing this, it is important to purchase good products to apply to your furry friend’s skin.
Soaps and other hygiene products used by us, humans, can be harmful to pets, and some of these substances have strong odors, which can cause discomfort to the animal.
4. Have everything within reach
When it’s time to bathe your cat, everything must be prepared to avoid making this a bad experience for him.
Therefore, make sure that the soap, towel or any other item is easily accessible so that your cat does not have to be alone, even for a few seconds, because that is enough for him to hate it and become traumatized by that moment.
5. Offer your pet stimuli
Another strategy to make your cat forget that bathing can be a bad experience is to use stimuli, such as petting before, during and after this moment, in addition to that tasty treat as a reward.
6. Respect the frequency of baths
Never overbathe your cat. The intervals between baths can vary from five weeks to more than six months, if it is really necessary to bathe your cat.
If in doubt, consult a veterinarian to establish the correct frequency for this procedure.
Do cats like water?
Naturally, cats, like other felines, are not so fond of contact with water, which is the opposite of most dogs, for example.
In view of this, take steps to ensure that your cat is not afraid of water, such as: introducing baths to your cat from when it is a kitten and leaving bowls of water near it so that it gradually gets used to it until it is time for a bath. Everything should be done respecting the cat’s limits and its health.
As we have seen, bathing your cat is recommended in some situations, and may not be necessary in others. This will depend a lot on the routine and needs of both the animal and the owner. Therefore, be properly informed about your cat’s condition to decide the best option for him.
If you have any questions about any information or procedure, seek professional help from a reputable veterinary clinic such as Pet Pillow , which is traditional in the city of São Paulo and very experienced in the field, with over 25 years of providing care for dogs and cats. Contact us and schedule an appointment.
Felipe Surgek is the creator and the heart behind S2Pets. Passionate about animals, Felipe has extensive experience in the pet world, having lived with a variety of animals over the years. His love and knowledge of pets shine through in every article he writes, providing readers with a detailed and heartfelt insight into pet care and happiness.
Felipe shares his experiences and lessons, offering practical tips and recommendations for pet owners of all kinds, whether it’s a dog, cat, or even exotic pets. His commitment to providing relevant and accessible information helps build a community of pet owners who are more informed and ready to offer the best quality of life to their companions.
In addition to his hands-on experience, Felipe also uses artificial intelligence tools to ensure the content on the site is always up-to-date and accurate. This makes S2Pets a reliable resource for those looking to care for their pets in the best way possible.