Learn how to teach your dog to pee in the right place

No dog is born knowing what is right or wrong. So, if your pet is doing his business on the carpet, sofa or other corners of the house, you need to train him. Below, learn everything you need to know about how to teach your dog to pee in the right place .

Tips for teaching your dog to pee in the right place

With a lot of patience and dedication, it is possible to create a training routine for your dog to pee in the right place . Discover the main techniques and learn 7 methods to make the dynamics and day-to-day life of your home easier.

1. Use hygienic mats

The toilet mat is your dog’s bathroom. A practical and safe solution for your friend to do his business. With high absorption and effective in preventing odors, the item is attractive and essential to help in the pet’s education.

They should be placed in strategic areas and changed regularly to keep the environment clean and encourage your pet to use it. Also, remember to change the rug and clean the dog’s bathroom, as many dogs will not use it if it is dirty.

2. Products that indicate the right place to pee will help!

During the period of adaptation of the animal to peeing in the right place, there are solutions that facilitate the process in a faster and more efficient way, such as the sanitary educator.

As the name suggests, the product serves to educate and reinforce which is the appropriate place for the dog to pee and poop. Available in spray and drop versions, the sanitary educator has odors that attract the canine sense of smell.

3. Choose a room to function as your pet’s bathroom

It is necessary to choose the ideal place for your pet’s bathroom. Ideally, the place should be easily accessible for the dog, clean, comfortable and not very busy. 

For example, it is not recommended that the toilet be near doors, as it is a passageway. In addition to spreading dirt, it does not create a place with the privacy and tranquility that the pet needs. 

In addition, to make your dog feel comfortable, it is also recommended to place the hygienic mat away from the dog’s water, food and bed. After all, they don’t like to do their business near where they eat and sleep. 

Setting up the location and making it welcoming to the dog makes him feel more comfortable using it.

4. Establish fixed meal times

Establishing a regular eating routine is one way to teach your dog to pee in the right place. For example, adult dogs usually urinate and defecate about 15 to 30 minutes after eating.

Therefore, by taking your dog to the designated place after each meal, you create an understanding that it is time to relieve himself. 

A good tip is to keep a sort of diary of your dog’s pee. Write down the times your pet ate and how long it takes you to take him to the right place. 

The tendency is that over time the task becomes more natural, without the need for the tutor to effectively participate in the action.

5. Positive reinforcement is the best way to train your dog

For any type of training, positive reinforcement is the best way to train your pet. Therefore, reward your pet immediately every time they pee in the right place, with affection and a treat. 

If your dog uses the mat and you offer him a treat a few minutes later, he won’t associate the reward correctly. Also, ignore mistakes.

6. Castration

Castration can inhibit or reduce the need for dogs, both male and female , to constantly mark their territory. This is because the procedure directly interferes with the production of certain hormones that are linked to this behavior.

7. It is important to teach from an early age

Teaching your dog to pee in the right place is a training that starts when he is a puppy, to make it easier for him to adapt to the correct behavior. 

This is because puppies are in a period of greater brain plasticity, which makes them more open to learning and adapting to new experiences. A good suggestion is to give the activity a name, such as “going to the bathroom”, to help them assimilate the command.

At this stage, it is recommended to place the toilet mats in various places around the house, one next to the other, so that the pet will end up getting it right. 

Over time, as he becomes more accustomed to it, you will gradually reduce it and leave only the rugs that he really uses. Always placing them in the same place, until there is only a small area left where he uses them most.

However, this does not mean that older dogs cannot be trained, the difference is that it may take a little more time and effort to teach them.

What should not be done? 

For it to work, patience and dedication are essential. As we mentioned at the beginning of the text: no dog is born knowing what is right or wrong. So, until the owner teaches him, there is no recommended place to pee. 

In this scenario, it is important to have a gentle, patient and dedicated communication. Therefore, fighting and yelling at the dog does not establish any kind of connection, on the contrary, it ends up leading to error, because it will make the dog more confused.

In more serious cases, the dog may associate peeing and pooping with something wrong that he is doing, to the point that he stops doing his business in front of you out of fear. This can trigger other problems.

Rewarding desired behavior is always the best way to go.

Are walks recommended for dogs to pee in the right place?

Among the pros, walks encourage the dog to do his business outside, which will minimize the need to mark his territory in every corner of your home. In addition, it makes cleaning easier and optimizes the animal’s exercise.

But, on the other hand, this is a method that forces the owner to go out with their pet, even on rainy days or when they are feeling lazy, for example. This means that the animal runs the risk of holding in its needs. 

The owner who has accustomed the pet to doing it outside may have more difficulty training it to do it indoors.

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